This is a call for subcontractors to provide expertise as part of implementation of an EU-funded project “Shaping generative AI for a sustainable and fair services economy”.
The project is led by European social partner organisations of the audiovisual, banking and telecommunications sectors, ACT, EBF, Connect Europe and UNI Europa.
The project aims at improving the capacity of the European social partners and their member organisations of the audiovisual, banking, and telecommunications sectors to address the economic and social impact of the development and deployment of generative AI. One of the project’s work streams consists of assessing the impact of generative AI within and across the three sectors and to identify priorities for social dialogue aiming at mitigating adverse impacts and amplifying positive effects.
We are seeking external experts to assist the project partners in implementing concise sector specific and horizontal impact assessment bease on existing, research and publications. The project partners seek proposal from experts:
To carry out sector specific impact assessment to improve their understanding of the impact of generative AI in the audiovisual, banking and telecommunications sectors.
To carry out a horizontal impact assessment to identify the common impact of generative AI.
Interested parties must submit their proposals to Sébastien Leclef , Director EU Projects at UNI Europa, by email no later than 16 March 2025 . The selection process will be completed by 31 March 2025.
The terms of references and further details on including how to apply can be found here .