UNI Europa Topics

The issues that affect the workers in UNI Europa's sectors.



Artificial Intelligence

Like all forms of intelligence, artificial intelligence (AI) serves certain interests. We’re working towards uses of AI that serve the interests of working people.

Banking 2030





UNI Europa unions are working to ensure working people have a strong say over the digitalisation of work.

Due Diligence

Mandatory human rights due diligence is on the horizon. We’re working to make sure it delivers true accountability for working people.

Eliminating violence & harassment

UNI Europa is committed to addressing violence and harassment in the world of work. With the support of the European Commission, we have undertaken a 2-year cross-sector social dialogue project, titled Eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work.


Inflation. Job stability. Work-life balance. Trade unions and employers have to deal with all kinds of issues. They do so through collective bargaining, by negotiating collective agreements or contracts that regulate wages and working conditions. They can do so through single-employer or  multi-employer bargaining. UNI Europpa is focussing its effords in promoting multi-employer or sectoral bargaining because it helps improve working conditions, in a coordinated way; because when multiple employers are involved, all groups benefit. This does not only apply to workers and trade unions. Employers and the whole society benefit as well. 

Find out more here.

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Lifelong Learning

Our aim: building skills throughout the workforce.

Minimum Wage Directive

Multi-employer collective bargaining

National Action Plans



Remote Work

Remote work is here to stay. We want to shape conditions so that it delivers decent work and democracy in the workplace. The best way to achieve this is through collective bargaining!



The Road to Belfast

Working Time