UNI Europa Topics

The issues that affect the workers in UNI Europa's sectors.

Focus Topics

Artificial Intelligence

We fight to ensure that Artificial intelligence (AI) serves the interests of working people, resulting in safer, healthier and easier jobs.

Collective Bargaining

We fight to strengthen collective bargaining coverage, union density and multi-employer bargaining in the services sectors.

Mental Health

We fight to protect workers’ mental health throughout the growing health crisis since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Public Procurement

We fight to guarantee that every worker employed on a public contract is covered by a collective agreement.

Other Topics


We are working towards defending, extending and deepening the democracies we helped build.


We are working to ensure working people have a strong say over the digitalisation of work.

Due Diligence

Mandatory human rights due diligence is on the horizon. We’re working to make sure it delivers true accountability for working people.

Eliminating Violence & Harassment

We are committed to addressing violence and harassment in the world of work.


We are fighting for equality for all workers, regardless of their gender, age, sex, race, class, religion and ethnicity.

Lifelong Learning

We are aiming to support life-long learning throughout the workforce.

Multi-Employer Bargaining

We want workers from different companies in the same sector to enjoy the same rights through multi-employer bargaining.

Remote Work

We want remote working to deliver decent work and democracy in the workplace. 


We want workers to have a voice in company restructuring processes.


We fight for the rights of self-employed workers to decent pay and working conditions.

Working Time

We are mobilising to reduce working hours, find appropriate schedules for every worker and improve work-life balance.