Video game workers win in Italy: Keywords Studios cancels layoffs following strikes

Video game workers win in Italy: Keywords Studios cancels layoffs following strikes

In a significant victory for video game workers, Keywords Studios Italy has rescinded its collective redundancy process following a powerful two-day strike by employees. This outcome underscores the strength of collective action and solidarity within the industry, setting a precedent for the Italian video game sector.

On June 27, 2024, Keywords Studios announced a collective redundancy plan affecting 31 employees. In response, workers, backed by the trade unions Filcams, Fisascat, and Uiltucs, organized a strike on August 5 and 6. Approximately half of the workforce participated, sending a strong message of unity and resistance.

The fourth meeting between Keywords Studios Italy, the unions, and their representatives concluded swiftly, with the company revoking the redundancy procedure. This decision came after acknowledging a formal defect in the initial layoff plan. However, Keywords Studios has indicated that a new procedure will be introduced in the coming weeks, prompting the continuation of industrial action and an overtime ban.

Mario Grasso, a Uiltucs union representative, highlighted the pivotal role of international solidarity and the global trade union movement in this victory. “The mobilization not only within Italy but also from unionists and supporters worldwide played a crucial role in reversing the company’s decision,” Grasso stated. “This victory exemplifies the power of collective action and should inspire other video game workers to unionize and fight for their rights.”

Benjamin Parton, UNI Global Union’s Head of ICTS remarked on the significance of this win: “This is a clear demonstration of the power that workers have when they unite and speak with one voice. Unionization in the gaming industry has been historically low, but this victory shows that through unity and determination, workers can achieve significant wins. We stand in solidarity with the Keywords Studios employees and all workers fighting for their rights.”

The revocation of the layoffs is a testament to the importance of worker unity and the potential of collective bargaining to effect change. 

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