Spain is on the verge of historically decisive elections. UNI Europa stands with the working people of Spain and their unions UGT and CCOO in their strive for shared prosperity and against the politics of exclusion.
Recent victories
The country has recently shown the way. Service sector workers are among those that have significantly benefitted from this period. As the European federation bringing together national trade unions in these sectors across Europe, UNI Europa is well placed to appreciate the advances in Spain within the continental context. Spain stands out amongst the countries where our workers have made the most progress in terms of job security, collective bargaining power and income.
Unions have been the driving force behind these victories. With our experience across all countries, we know that having a government that enables unions to play their role is key to achieving progress. Ensuring that these elections produce a government that continues to play this role is key for Spain and Europe as a whole.
A smokescreen of division
Stopping the far-right is a top priority for UNI Europa and the trade union movement. Right-wing extremist parties fail to have any answers that address the real problems working people face. Their voting history shows that they consistently side for more corporate power and against the interests of working people when in position of power. In a time when corporate profits have soared and the cost-of-living crisis remains in full swing, their attempts to channel blame to the most vulnerable are a dangerous distraction.
United we bargain, divided we beg
Instead, the current context calls more urgently than ever for a political leadership that is democratic and progressive, that puts the interests of workers and their families at the centre. Collective bargaining is key in curbing corporate greed and deliver shared prosperity. Indeed, collective bargaining and trade unions form a key plank of democracy; they are an antidote to right-wing populism and extremism. UNI Europa rallies with our Spanish unions to defend the social progress that the last years brought for workers. We join forces to pave the way for a better future, not only in Spain, but throughout Europe.
The first step is Spain voting for a government that delivers on that.
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