UNI Europa stands with industriAll Europe, which has called on unions across Europe to rally on 5 February in Brussels, at Place Jean Rey, to protect workers, safeguard jobs and drive investment.
IndustriAll Europe has called on unions across Europe to join a mobilisatoin on 5 February in Brussels, at Place Jean Rey, to demand that the European Commission delivers the much-needed, proactive European industrial policy, based on investment, solidarity, quality jobs and innovation, in line with our climate commitments. UNI Europa stands with IndustriAll Europe and its member unions across Europa in the fight for job security.
The European federation reiterates that European workers demand more than just rhetoric on quality jobs. Europe is in a deep crisis, suffering from bad corporate decision-making, lagging investment and the lack of a clear European industrial strategy. Over recent months, industriAll Europe has recorded over 100,000 announced job losses in industrial sectors. In some industries, the situation is worse than during the global financial crisis. The , the new Clean Industrial Deal must protect workers, safeguard jobs and drive investment into retraining and upskilling, including through mandatory social conditionalities.
IndustriAll Europe has identified five crucial actions to prevent deindustrialisation:
Join the mobilisation in Brussels on 5 February, from 10.30 am, at Place Jean Rey.
UNI Europa has produced a comprehensive set of guidelines aimed at supporting collective action and strengthening bargaining systems.
ICT & Related Services
Dear Colleagues,
We would like to invite you to the next meeting of the UNI Europa ICTS Steering Committee which will take place online via Zoom on the 11th of February 2025. The meeting will start at 10:00 CET and should end the same day at 13:00 CET at the latest.
The meeting agenda will be circulated closer to the event.