Working time arrangements vary sector by sector, and workplace by workplace. Part-time and full-time jobs, more or less flexibility and predictability, remote work: there are dozens of models – and each of them has a strong impact on the quality of worker’s life, inside and outside their workplaces.
To support services sectors unions in recognising, assessing and negotiating fair working time models, UNI Europa today kicked off the EU-funded project “FATIMA – Fair working time matters”. A number of UNI Europa member union are directly involved in the project to ensure a strong link between research and policy work, and what workers experience in their daily activities.
During next two years, four target sectors – ICTS, commerce, care and property services – will be at core of the main project activities: research on working time models – with an innovative checklist to help assess what is “fair” or not –, four sectoral workshops and a catalogue of policy recommendations.
A call for tender has just been launched to identify the experts who are going to work on these deliverables. Find out more and apply here until 9 May 2024.
For more information, please contact:
Ilaria Costantini – Commerce Project Coordinator
Birte Dedden – ICT & Related Services Director
Alessandra Giannessi – Care & Property Services Project Coordinator