Polish UNI Global Union affiliate OPZZ Konfederacja Pracy (KP) signed a cooperation agreement with long-term care multinational Orpea in February that secures several key trade union rights. After several months of challenging negotiations, OPZZ reached the breakthrough with management, which they believe will create stronger collaboration between the company and employees.
The agreement stipulates that Orpea will :
- Respect workers’ right to hold trade union meetings in Orpea facilities
- Negotiate and bargain in good faith with workers’ union
- Hold regular meetings between Orpea representatives and the trade union
- Allow the distribution of trade union materials among Orpea employees
- Provide workers with the necessary information to effectively organize their union
“This is a great achievement for us,” said Anna Bacia, the elected union delegate in Orpea Poland. “The agreement provides an opportunity for employees to engage in constructive dialogue and to build a better workplace with decent jobs and conditions.
“We will also be able to work together to negotiate on contentious issues impacting both staff and the employer.”
The pandemic further exposed why long-term care employers like Orpea must deepen their relationships with unions to raise standards of care and work in their operations. UNI along with the French Forum for Responsible Investment (FIR) called on all stakeholders to work together to address long-standing problems in the care economy.
“A growing number of investors, unions and older people advocates are calling for fundamental change at Orpea–including stronger engagement with workers,” said Mark Bergfeld, Regional Director of UNICARE Europa.
“This is a step forward in Poland to ensure quality working conditions and quality care, and we hope it is just one step of many. “