Training series: an introduction to European Works Councils


Training series: an introduction to European Works Councils


European Works Councils (EWCs) bring together employee representatives from the different European countries in which a multinational company has operations. Given that new workers are regularly elected to represent their colleagues on EWCs, there is a need for regular training to bring newcomers up to speed on the possibilities that their role provides. Together with the ETUI and ETF, UNI Europa organised a training series on EWC in October 2020. The recordings are made available below:

Session 1: in this session, trainers provide an overview of the legal background as well as of examples of EWC agreements.


Session 2: in this sessions trainers take a look at European Works Councils (EWCs) in practice. They aim to address the following questions: What are the responsibilities of EWC members? What does it take to effectively organise an EWC? What can a proactive EWC achieve?


This sessions begins with a short history and statistics of European Works Councils (EWCs) and the provides an overview of the legal basis of Special Negotiating Bodies (SNBs).

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Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – ICTS Workshop – Leuven – 29 April 2025

ICT & Related Services

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the sector workshop for ICTS in the framework of the UNI Europa project on “Fair Working Time Matters” (FATIMA). The event will take place on 29 April 2025 in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting will start at 09:00 CEST and end at 16:30 CEST.