UNI Europa and the World Employment Confederation-Europe have jointly issued recommendations towards more inclusive and resilient labour markets in Europe. Respectively representing workers and employers within the EU social dialogue for temporary agency work, the two organisations adopted a joint declaration on the lessons learned during the Covid-19 pandemic.
“The pace at which changes are impacting our societies is increasing. The Covid-19 pandemic showed just how adaptive our societies need to be in order to cope. We must ensure working people are not the ones to pay the price of future adaptations. Our joint recommendations help to lay the foundations for decent work to be embedded within future scenarios of change These joint recommendations show again the difference social dialogue and collective bargaining makes in creating triple win situations for workers, business and society at large”, said Oliver Roethig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary.
Addressing the economic and social impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been a key focus for the EU Sectoral Social Dialogue on temporary agency work in the past years, starting in April 2020 with a first set of joint recommendations focused on “Protecting workers in the COVID-19 pandemic, safeguarding work and preparing for an inclusive economic and social recovery”. The matter remains central in the joint Work Programme for the period 2021-2023 adopted by the sector’s social partners in May 2021.
The adopted Joint Recommendations of February 2022 emphasise the need to move towards more dynamic, inclusive and resilient labour markets in Europe and address the following main elements:
- Moving towards more dynamic labour markets and appropriately regulated work mobility in Europe by creating an enabling environment for labour market transitions, using the reallocation role of temporary work agencies, and ensuring social protection and adequate social rights for all through social purpose and social innovation.
- Building more inclusive labour markets by managing and mitigating labour market risks and by ensuring access to training and skills policies that put people at the centre, at European, national and local level.
- Fostering more resilient labour markets by recognising and promoting the role of the sectoral social dialogue and encouraging dialogue and exchange on the application and enforcement of existing European and national law.
The joint recommendations adopted by the sectoral social partners have been discussed and negotiated at European level. They remain equally important in fostering and guiding labour market reforms and adaptation at national level in the EU Member States.
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