Standing together on International Youth Day to build powerful unions for a brighter future



Standing together on International Youth Day to build powerful unions for a brighter future

Young workers all over the world are standing up with their unions to fight for better conditions

On International Youth Day, UNI Global Union stands with the growing number of young workers all over the world who are organizing for better, dignified conditions, a voice on the job, living wages and meaningful work.

UNI Youth is supporting these efforts through trainings and mentoring programs around the world.

Being a worker means being proud of your work, but also to realize that when we organize, we can improve our working conditions and fight for better pay,” said Paul Briey from FO in France.

Covid-19 hit young workers particularly hard.

According to the OECD, the crisis pushed youth unemployment rates upwards – over twice as much for young workers than the general population.

But, as working conditions erode, support for unions is growing.

“When you are a part of a union, you can turn to them when you need back up or assistance,” said Johanna Jonsdottir from SSF Iceland.

Today, on International Youth Day, we are joining the call for better working conditions, trade union representation and powerful unions for young workers across the world.

The time is now to push and build union strength and collective bargaining for all workers.

Meetings & Events




Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – ICTS Workshop – Leuven – 29 April 2025

ICT & Related Services

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the sector workshop for ICTS in the framework of the UNI Europa project on “Fair Working Time Matters” (FATIMA). The event will take place on 29 April 2025 in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting will start at 09:00 CEST and end at 16:30 CEST.



FATIMA Project: ICTS Workshop

ICT & Related Services



EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Live Perfomance

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