European social partners in the audiovisual sector – UNI Europa MEI, FIA and FIM on the workers’ side and CEPI, EBU and FIAPF on the employers’ side – have joined forces to contribute to the greening of the audiovisual industry.
With the financial support of the EU, they ran a two-year project aimed at mapping the good practices that the film and TV production ecosystem has put in place across Europe to achieve more environmentally friendly work processes and workplaces. The project also looked at the changes in employment and work that these environmentally friendly practices induce, and at the ways social dialogue could positively accompany those transformations.
As a result of desk research, interviews, and consultation meetings in different EU member States the project collected 105 resources in 19 languages from 25 countries.
Those resources have been integrated in a free online database that can be searched by type of resource (carbon calculator, guide, checklists, training schemes, etc.), country and language.
The database will continue to be regularly updated and there is an online form for sector professionals to suggest the inclusion of new tools and resources.
The social partners also produced a ‘European Booklet for Green Productions’ currently available in English, Spanish and French.
The booklet looks at the ‘European Green Deal’ and its implications for the audiovisual sector, it lays out the key elements of an environmental sustainability management plan, and it finally offers a shopping list of key practices for environmental sustainability practices in the different departments of an audiovisual production (grip, set construction, special effects, costume, make up, locations, etc.)
Further information about the project is available here.
This project is possible thanks to the financial support of the European Union.
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