In Hungary, most negotiations in the commerce sector are done at the company level. In many companies, there is not even a company level collective agreement. This means many commerce workers have only the law to rely on/the bare legal minimum. Multi-employer bargaining on the contrary ensures equal treatment and the same basic rights in the sector, independent of the company you work for.
The Hungarian commerce sector union KASZ with the support of UNI Europa has mobilised and invested into strategies to strengthen and develop multi-employer bargaining in the sector. Over 25 branch presidents, shop stewards and union officials came together on 22 and 23 May in a UNI Europa led workshop to discuss and develop strategies for multi-employer bargaining. During the 2-days event participants explored the power dynamics within the sector, the power resources available to the trade unions, and possible strategies to develop the sectoral level of collective bargaining.
The workshop took place in the framework of the EU funded ‘Level-up’ project which focuses on multi-employer bargaining and fostering dialogue and collaboration to strengthen sector collective bargaining.
You can also learn more about the first and third workshops.