UNI Europa Post & Logistics together with PostEurop finalised the 2-year project entitled: “Promoting European Social Dialogue in the Postal Sector in an enlarged Europe”.
The project was aimed primarily at analysing the digital transformation of the postal sector. The objective is to get first-hand information on how postal operators and trade unions have managed to support the increased digitalisation of their organisations with impacts on jobs and competences, on the work organisation as well as on training needs and methods.
A special focus was placed on the programmes of digital transformation put in place within companies in terms of training and cultural evolution. In this framework, the needs in terms of digital skills and new jobs were in focus. The project sheds light on the impact of the digital tools and new technologies on work organisation. The opportunities that the digital economy represents in terms of development of new activities, in particular the parcels’ ones, in view of the growing e-commerce market were also considered.
The project also focused on capacity-building activities to raise awareness and disseminate the work of the postal services social dialogue committee, in particular but not exclusively, in Central and Eastern Europe. The project enabled the engagement of social partners in European social dialogue activities where there is often limited attendance and involvement.
Read he Final Report in different languages (EN, FR , DE), and the collection of Joint Declarations of the European Postal Social Dialogue Committee.
The Project presentations can be retrieved here:
- AustrianPost_The E-Brief SocialDialogue_CzechPost_SDC SlovakPost_Digitalisation RomaniaPostTradeUnion_ppt RomanianPost_Digitalisation PragueSeminarAGENDA19Sept2017 Prague 2017_SDC Promoting study analysis PPP-SD_BG_Post MOOC presentation DPDHLGroup_Digitalisation
- Postman 3.0_Digital transformation SDC organization activities and outcomes-revised SDC PSE project – Mobilising social partners in a new context- Vilnius 18012018 SDC ReturnPal Presentation Vilnius no video Jan 2018 SDC-Vilnius-Workshop-Real Time Voting Results Simplon Corp presentation 20180119 Vår presentation Vilnius 2018 Scope of Promoting Social Dialogue 2018 01 18 CLA and social plan PostNL vfinal_basic dissimmination 20180110_SDC_Survey results_final Antonio Amaral_PostEurop_Vilnius_19012018
- Albanian Trade Union Social Dialogue Report Athens_Survey_VotingResults AthensSeminar_EN_CyprusPost CORREOS ESPAÑA – MAY 2018 Croatia Post Athens HR role digitalization Digital Learning in Poste Italiane_GM_Atene 4 maggio 2018_def_proiezione DIGITAL LEARNING PRESENTATION_KEK_ELTA Digital Training Athens 2018 ENG_CCOO Poste Italiane-Unions SDC Athens seminar 3-4 May 2018 SDC 3rd Regional Seminar_ELTA_EU Projects as a Change Instrument SDC organization activities and outcomes-revised SDC PSE project – Mobilising social partners in a new context- Athens 04052018 Session 2 SDC PSE project – Mobilising social partners in a new context- Athens session 1 SDC_Training_H&S WG – Scope of Promoting Social Dialogue Athens Social Dialogue in Postal Sector Greece_POST 2018-05-02 SD for the postal sector_EC 20180502_AthensSDC_Agenda_FINAL_EN 201800423_SDC_Survey results_END
- Bruxelles_La Poste_031218 EN NKD_DPDHL_Brussels 03122018_Conference Presentation SDC Final Conference_UNI_CBroos SDC Scope of Promoting Social Dialogue Brussel _Simplon Corp – présentation Conférence Européenne 2018-12-03 SD for the postal sector – SFinne 03122018 Brussels Elta Maria Koumanioti