The increase in remote work since the COVID-19 pandemic has benefitted some workers – fewer commutes, better work-life balance – but also posed challenges to unions and their ability to reach out to and organise workers. Digital access rights, digital organising, modernising union structures and communications, as well as robust collective bargaining agreements play central roles here.
This was the outcome of the first workshop of the recently launched UNI Europa Finance & ICTS EU-funded project ARCO (“Addressing Remote work through Collective bargaining and Organising”). A diverse group of 30 trade unionists from multiple countries exchanged both successful practices and cautionary tales from their sectors and unions. In particular, the participants underscored the importance of sectoral approaches in confronting the realities of remote work, particularly in light of the faltering EU cross-industry negotiations. They ended in late 2023 after ten months of talks when the employers could not commit to any agreement.
Digital organising
The participants raised the challenge of digital trade union access rights, highlighting the importance of GDPR compliance in an increasingly virtual workspace. On the organising side, social media and digital tools in amplifying union visibility and connection with workers were seen as indispensable to growing union membership.
Agnieszka Piasna, Senior Researcher at the ETUI, highlighted that while remote work poses challenges, it could also be seen as an opportunity. It has led to the creation of online communities and, since the pandemic, union density among remote workers has increased.
Emphasising the EU’s Minimum Wage Directive and its target of 80 per cent collective bargaining coverage , UNI Europa Regional Secretary Oliver Roethig argued for comprehensive and robust collective agreements that address the evolving dynamics of remote work. Strong agreements and tapping into already existing online communities and unionised remote workers will allow trade unions to boost visibility and build membership.