Newsletter – March 2022


Newsletter – March 2022

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Five Members of the European Parliament from different political groups have co-authored an opinion piece backing UNI Europa’s Procuring Decent Work campaign. They make the case for a change to EU public procurement rules and call for public contracts to only go to companies that have collective bargaining agreements with their workers.

Their opinion piece is available in English, French and Spanish.


Women are worst hit by broken public procurement rules. Instead of fuelling precarity and low pay, public money must ensure working women have a strong collective say. Ahead of International Women’s Day on 8 March, UNI Europa highlights the importance of fixing public procurement rules to closing the gender pay gap.

Find out more and watch the video here.



Collective Bargaining vs Inequality


New UNI Europa research indicates that the weakening of collective bargaining is a key driver behind increasing income inequality in Europe.

“This report shows that inequality is a deliberate policy choice. When policy-makers exclude working people from having a say at work, they are taking aim at shared prosperity. The tools for workers to claim a fair share of the wealth they create are dismantled. This money is redistributed upwards to be captured by shareholders instead” explained Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa.

Check out the report and watch the summary video.





New report by UNI and Good Jobs First reveals that Amazon, the tech juggernaut and notorious tax-dodger, is aggressively seeking taxpayers’ money.

The tax breaks and subsidies it receives amounts to at least €4.1 billion in subsidies from taxpayers globally.

Check out the report  here.



In case you missed it



How they organised to win: BBC workers in Turkey


Essential workers mobilising in Paris


Sustaining an economic and social recovery: temporary agency work joint recommendations


Solidarity action: tell DPD CEO to halt union-busting in Switzerland


UNI affiliate OPZZ KP signs cooperation agreement in Poland with care giant Orpea


UNI joins the ITUC in condemning Russia’s invasion of Ukraine


Just Transition of the Private Security: CoESS and UNI Europa adopt new Work Programme


Solidarity statement in support of UPM workers and their union PRO


Orpea: time for the scandal-ridden corporation to clean up its act


Care workers take action in Austria


UNI affiliate Handels unveils groundbreaking survey on workplace surveillance


Open letter: for transparent DSA and DMA negotiations


Global union campaign: Fresenius must denounce death threats in Colombia


Removing barriers for self-employed workers to bargain collectively


Sustaining an economic and social recovery: temporary agency work joint recommendations


Fresenius workers in Slovenia organize, win “life-changing” pay rise



Upcoming events


04 March 
Working group meeting of live performance social dialogue committee and launch of website of gender equality project
08 March
UNI Europa finance insurance sd preparatory meeting
09 March
Insurance sectoral social dialogue committee working group meetingeu av sdc working group on prevention of violence
11 March
Sectoral social dialogue committee postal services working group meeting
14 March
UNI Europa finance bank social dialogue preparatory meeting
15 March
Bank sectoral social dialogue committee working group meeting
16 March
Steering group meeting of joint social partners project on skills
18 March
1st consultation workshop on digital skills
22 March
Working group meeting of EU audiovisual social dialogue committeesectoral social dialogue committee personal services working group meeting
24 March
European commerce social dialogue
30 March
1st Q-commerce network meeting








Meetings & Events




EU Sectoral social dialogue Audiovisual

Media, Entertainment & Arts



EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Live Performance

Media, Entertainment & Arts



Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – ICTS Workshop – Leuven – 29 April 2025

ICT & Related Services

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the sector workshop for ICTS in the framework of the UNI Europa project on “Fair Working Time Matters” (FATIMA). The event will take place on 29 April 2025 in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting will start at 09:00 CEST and end at 16:30 CEST.