New survey to improve Personal & Household Services (PHS)

EU social partners in Personal & Household Services launch a new survey to improve the PHS sector for everyone.

New survey to improve Personal & Household Services (PHS)

Every day, all across Europe, millions of people rely on the dedication of Personal & Household Services (PHS) workers, who provide care or domestic support for people in their homes. PHS workers perform many diverse and crucial tasks, from caring for children, the elderly, and disabled people, to the activities of daily household life such as cooking, cleaning, gardening, and more.

This survey aims to develop a stronger understanding of the state of the PHS sector, from the perspective of those that know best: the workers, service users, and employers that are involved. Your answers can improve the PHS sector for everyone.

This survey is a joint project of the EU social partners in Personal & Household Services (PHS): EFFAT, EFFE, EFSI, and UNI Europa. Your answers will be kept completely anonymous, and will be processed in accordance with this survey’s privacy policy.

Fill in and share the survey in ENESFRIT, NLPTHR, DE, PL, TL, SL, SK.

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