European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation



European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse laoreet a leo et pellentesque. Sed a felis purus. Donec consequat condimentum enim, in pulvinar erat porttitor eu. Duis tempus elit at ipsum aliquet, in condimentum nisl cursus. Nam eu lacus ut justo gravida vulputate id vitae felis. Suspendisse eget aliquet ex, sed elementum neque. Cras massa augue, porttitor et pretium in, tincidunt id ligula. Nulla et sagittis sapien, et ultrices arcu. Aenean sit amet dolor ac justo scelerisque cursus.

Nunc ultricies lobortis ipsum quis rhoncus. Suspendisse varius, velit vel ultrices convallis, lorem est facilisis augue, sed porttitor leo neque blandit sem. Praesent quam turpis, laoreet non porttitor sed, efficitur ut felis. Fusce semper tortor lacus, quis elementum leo congue non. Aenean sit amet gravida ante. Nam dictum leo at justo facilisis, vel ultrices orci mollis. Proin velit tortor, malesuada vitae fermentum id, imperdiet non mi. Nam ornare dictum malesuada. Sed laoreet volutpat libero, eu pellentesque diam lacinia ac. Nulla at nisi risus. Nam tincidunt ligula augue, non fringilla dui iaculis sed.

The European Social Partners adopted the Framework Agreement on Digitalisation at the Tripartite Social Summit on 23 June 2020The agreement lays out an inclusive approach to digital change. UNI Europa took part in the negotiations on the agreement and is satisfied that the digital challenges faced by services workers are included 

Digitalisation is increasingly shaping our world. Far from an automatic process over which nobody has control, it is shaped by the interests that drive it. This agreement is an important recognition that the interests of profit maximisation alone cannot be the basis for a balanced society,” said Oliver Roethig, UNI Europa Regional Secretary. 

The agreement notably recognises the need for investment in workers’ skills and for respect of people’s right to disconnect and outlines appropriate measures to ensure compliance. This is particularly relevant at national level as EU member states are required to promote and support unions and employers to negotiate on the basis of the joint EU Social Partners Agreements.   

  • Digital Skills: The agreement acknowledges the need for skills development and commits to a joint skills development plan and that includes training associated with digital change at work. There is a safeguard for existing collective agreements and more favourable arrangements and the agreement also commits to measures that will protect workers continued employment in the event their jobs are changed in the context of digitalisation 
  • AI and Human-in-Control principle: The agreement also addresses measures linked to artificial intelligence and guaranteeing the human in control principle and respect of human dignity and surveillance at work.
  • Disconnecting: The agreement addresses the modalities of connecting and disconnecting, wherein it guarantees that no worker can be obliged to be contactable outside their working time, moreover if they undertake any extra work that should be paid or otherwise compensated.  
  • Support: The agreement aims to provide a platform of support for affiliates negotiations. Our assessment is that the agreement will be of considerable assistance to affiliates that are operating in hostile industrial relations systems.  

 The signing of the agreement is just the beginning of the implementation process. The next step is for our affiliates and UNI Europa sectors to be in contact with our employer counterparts and to seek to begin the negotiations for national or sectoral implementation. 

Read the European Social Partner Framework Agreement on Digitalisation. 

See also: 

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Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – ICTS Workshop – Leuven – 29 April 2025

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Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the sector workshop for ICTS in the framework of the UNI Europa project on “Fair Working Time Matters” (FATIMA). The event will take place on 29 April 2025 in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting will start at 09:00 CEST and end at 16:30 CEST.



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