Join the first ever in-person Union Renewal Introductory Workshop organised by UNI Europa's EPOC Network, which brings unions together to grow power.
From journalists and media workers in Türkiye to retail workers in Finland, EPOC Network bring unions together to learn and network in the area of organising and trade union renewal. In organised sessions we learn from each other to strengthen our collective knowledge. On 19-20 June 2024, the network will host the first ever in-person EPOC Network Union Renewal Introductory Workshop.
Since 2020, EPOC Network has regularly brought together affiliated unions involved in our organising work to learn from one another. It was initially set up during COVID as a short form webinar whereby unions could present their organising experiences – both successes and challenges – and discuss with other unions in similar situations.
More recently, EPOC Network has started to bring together UNI affiliates involved in our organising work in a face-to-face format to really break down the structural challenges we face as unions.
Specifically, the forthcoming EPOC Network Union Renewal Introductory Workshop is aimed at two distinct groups of participants. Firstly at affiliated unions that are reflecting on their current strategy and exploring the potential for a trade union renewal programme –especially those unions with well-established (including sectoral) collective bargaining.
The second group of participants will be from the European level – staff of UNI Europa as well as other ETUFs and the ETUC – to explore what the potential is supporting national level affiliates in their renewal from the international and European level. In the context of the forthcoming ETUC Trade Union Renewal Centre this type of collaboration is more important than ever.
If your union is interested in learning more about organising and trade union renewal the we would love to see you there. Find more information here, and register for the workshop here.
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