Daniel Huegli, President of UNI Europa ICTS – biography

Daniel Huegli, President of UNI Europa ICTS – biography

Daniel Huegli was elected as President of UNI Europa ICTS on 14 October 2021.

Daniel Huegli is a National Union Officer of syndicom in the ICT sector. With 30 000 union members, syndicom is the largest and most influential labour union in Switzerland in the economic branches of the ICT sector, postal services/logistics and printing/media. As National Union Officer, Daniel Huegli is responsible for economic branches and the companies of the ICT sector, i.e. telecommunication and IT companies, contact centers, and network infrastructure companies.
He will become Head of the ICT sector and a member of the Executive Committee of syndicom on the 1st of December 2021.

As a politician in the Parliament of the canton of Berne (1 000 000 inhabitants) he participated in electoral and referendum campaigns while defending the interests and rights of working people in the political sphere.

After graduating from the University of Berne, Switzerland, with a Master’s degree in Sociology (minors: Communication and media science; political studies), he was awarded an Executive certificate in Nonprofit Leadership by Harvard University, John F. Kennedy School of Government, Executive Education, in 2020.
Prior to his time at syndicom, Daniel worked with Unia as regional Managing Union Officer (Unia is the largest union for the private sector in Switzerland counting 180’000 members).

In his spare time, he enjoys sports (running, yoga, football, tennis), music (guitar and concerts), and travel (i.e. frequently joining his wife and dog in the UK).


Meetings & Events




TELECOM Social Dialogue committee – working group – 23rd of January 2025

ICT & Related Services






Creative Skills Europe – Central & Eastern Europe

Media, Entertainment & Arts

Regional Conference on Skills - Prague



Protected: UNI Europa project MMAI 5th Steering Group meeting – 30th of January 2025
