The European Union’s co-legislators are on the verge of reaching a long-awaited agreement to set out a European standard for respect for human rights. This Wednesday, 13th December, marks a pivotal moment as what is expected as the final trialogue negotiation on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D) will be held, aiming to create an EU-wide framework for human rights due diligence.
Ahead of these negotiations, UNI Europa has joined together with other European Trade Union Federations, civil society organisations and businesses to call for the co-legislators to reach an agreement on an effective directive. Full statement.
The adoption of the EU directive is a critical opportunity to raise the bar for corporate accountability for respect for workers’ rights across Europe and the global footprint of European companies. The statement reiterates two key points for the directive to be fit for purpose in realizing these aims. Firstly, the directive must be grounded in the risk-based approach of the international standards of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Secondly, it is essential to embed meaningful involvement of trade unions, amongst other stakeholders, throughout the due diligence process.
Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa, comments, “The CS3D holds tremendous promise to change the landscape of corporate responsibility. Co-legislators must ensure this window of opportunity does not go to waste through further delays or failing to adopt an effective directive. This statement shows the wide range of actors -from trade unions and civil society to businesses- coming together to reiterate the importance of them achieving such an agreement.”
UNI Europa has also highlighted during the negotiations the importance of ensuring that the finance sector is not excluded from the scope of the directive.