UNI Europa is recruiting an external expert in human rights due diligence in the context of an EU-funded project on “Improving due diligence in practice: an opportunity for workers’ involvement, information and consultation and strengthened trade union networks”, which will run for 2 years from February 2021 to January 2023.
This project will identify global multinational companies based in Europe that have EWC’s from the five following services sectors: Finance, ICTS, Commerce, Private security/Care and Graphical & Packaging.
The aims of the project are to improve the functioning of EWCs for the selected companies by raising awareness about the concept of due diligence and promote the scope of union action that this offers to the members of European Work Councils, transnational trade union company networks and workers representatives to build power in multinational companies.
One of the project’s key deliverables is the development of a toolkit to equip worker representatives with contextual knowledge and practical guidance to effectively support implementation of due diligence within multinational companies.
UNI Europa is looking for an external expertise to support its work on the above project, for the 24-month duration. Specifically, we will require an external with:
- A sound understanding of industrial relations labour rights, particularly rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining.
- Good knowledge and practical experience of the issue of business and human rights and as well as human rights due diligence processes.
- A good knowledge of how company human rights due diligence responsibilities are set out in several international standards such as the UN Guiding Principles and the OECD Guidelines and some national-level legislation.
Further details can be found in the call for expert application. All interested applicants must send in their application by 31 March 2021 at the latest, to UNI Europa Commerce Director Annika Flaten.