Pay transparency: UNI Europa demands solid and appropriate EU legal framework and strong Collective Bargaining provisions.

Pay transparency: UNI Europa demands solid and appropriate EU legal framework and strong Collective Bargaining provisions.

UNI Europa is joining trade unions at a protest outside the European Commission in Brussels today  to demand legislation on pay transparency to end the gender pay gap in the EU. The trade union protest will take place from 12:00 to 13:00 outside European Commission headquarters at the Berlaymont building.

Women across the EU earn on average 16 per cent less per hour than men. Overall, women across the EU earn 40 per cent less than men a year. One of the reasons is the fact that on average women spend fewer hours in paid work than men.

Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa says: “Pay transparency is a precondition for fair wages for everyone. As trade unions we will fight for a solid and appropriate EU legal framework and strong collective bargaining provisions. Especially multinational employers and European social partners have a responsibility to make pay transparency a reality.”

UNI Europa and the European Trade Union Confederation are calling for a new EU Directive on Gender Pay Transparency to end the secrecy surrounding pay in Europe.

Equal pay has been enshrined in EU law since 1975, but progress in achieving equal pay has ground to a halt—as the EU’s gender pay gap has remained stagnant for a decade.

However, forcing employers to be open about pay through a binding instrument is a proven way to reduce disparity in earnings between men and women.

Amel Selma Djemail, Equal Opportunities Director, said “Women remain unaware about pay discrimination in their workplace. A lack of wage transparency does not allow a proper assessment of the reasons for pay inequalities”.

The European Commission’s proposals for binding rules on gender pay transparency are due to be agreed by the European Commission on 26 February. On the same day, the Commission will agree on its gender strategy.

Equal pay for equal work is one of the EU’s founding principles. EU countries must eliminate discrimination on grounds of sex with regards to all aspects and conditions of remuneration for the same work or for work of equal value.

It is time to close the gap. Join us #Endthesecrecy #PayTransparency

For more information, please contact Amel Selma Djemail:

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Protected: UNI Europa project MMAI 5th Steering Group meeting – 30th of January 2025
