About UNI Europa

As the European trade union federation for 7 million service workers, UNI Europa speaks for the sectors that constitute the backbone of economic and social life in Europe.

The European Services Workers Union

Headquartered in Brussels, UNI Europa represents 272 national trade unions in 50 countries.

Increasingly, the companies in our sectors operate across borders. Trade union action across borders is essential to ensure workers’ interests are on an equal footing with those of the bosses. Using strength in one place to build a strong workers’ voice across the region is vital for the sustainability of our movement over the long term.

Through UNI Europa, the unions of workers in the services sectors coordinate to build workers' power. With their joint organising efforts, they work together to embed rooted and inclusive structures for durable progress from the workplace up. They advocate together within different institutional spaces, including the EU, to ensure policies favour working people.

Sectors & Groups

An important part of our work is coordinated within specific sectors.

UNI Global Union

We are committed to building services workers’ power across the world.

Our Staff

Who is on the team and how to get in touch.

Political priorities



Meetings & Events




EU Sectoral social dialogue Audiovisual

Media, Entertainment & Arts



EU Sectoral Social Dialogue Live Performance

Media, Entertainment & Arts



Protected: UNI Europa FATIMA Project – ICTS Workshop – Leuven – 29 April 2025

ICT & Related Services

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to the sector workshop for ICTS in the framework of the UNI Europa project on “Fair Working Time Matters” (FATIMA). The event will take place on 29 April 2025 in Leuven, Belgium. The meeting will start at 09:00 CEST and end at 16:30 CEST.