The Congress of the European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC) took place in Berlin on 23-27 May 2023. Using public money to strengthen workers’ collective bargaining featured prominently in the discussions. We provide a summary.
‘No public procurement without a collective agreement’ is a priority campaign of UNI Europa. As such, it featured prominently in the interventions by the UNI Europa delegation at the congress. The objective to mainstream this demand within the European trade union movement proved to bear fruit.
The second day began with a discussion lead by Esther Lynch, General Secretary of the ETUC, with Nicolas Schmit, EU Commissioner for Jobs and Social Rights, Dennis Radtke MEP and Agnes Jongerius MEP. The joint work between UNI Europa and these three decision-makers to elevate campaign objective was clear in the prominence of the topic in the discussion. Here are some of the highlights:
The German Minister of Labour and Social Affairs Hubertus Heil, announced a new law. In a major step forward for the campaign, the German government is set to adopt legislation that aligns with UNI Europa’s campaign demands.
German government pushes public procurement for collective bargaining
The German Minister of Labour and Social Affairs has got the right priorities. UNI Europa unions have been pushing to ensure that public money can only go to companies in which the workers have collective bargaining agreements. Hubertus Heil outlined how the German government will bring in a law to achieve just that. He was speaking to trade unionists at the ETUC Congress on 24 May 2023.
Posted by UNI Europa on Thursday, June 1, 2023
The Mayor of Berlin also highlighted the positive work that is being done in the capital. The city council has been only awarding public contracts to companies that meet collectively agreed pay and conditions.
UNI Europa delegates also highlighted the ongoing work at EU level. On the first day, Peter Hellberg, UNI Europa President highlighted the push to fix the EU’s rules of public procurement:
“Decent pay and working conditions for all”
Our President Peter Hellberg addressed the European Trade Union Confederation congress. He highlighted the need to jointly defend, extend and (re)build collective bargaining across Europe. A crucial component to achieving that is the continuing push to ensure that public money can only be #ProcuringDecentWork.
Posted by UNI Europa on Wednesday, May 24, 2023
Oliver Roethig, Regional Secretary of UNI Europa and currently Vice-President of the ETUC, reinforced this message in his intervention later on the opening day: