Call for external expertise: eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work

Call for external expertise: eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work



UNI Europa will contract an external consultant to support the work on the EU cross-sectoral Social Dialogue joint project Eliminating violence and harassment in the world of work.

The external expert will be tasked with producing research with a focus on mental health, psychosocial risk factors due to the abrupt change in the workplace and the rise of remote work. The main task of the researcher is to identify the challenges and issues of the sectors concerned and to produce a leaflet on mental health at the end of the action.

During each stage of the project, the contractor will work in close collaboration with the project steering group composed of both employers and trade unions.

The project’s scope is to produce cross-sectoral EU Guidelines for preventing and combating violence and harassment at work and build capacity between and within European sectoral social partner’s organisations.

The action will focus on two priorities:

  1. Ending violence and harassment at work – third-party violence
  2. Tackling domestic violence – Home being the “new workplace”

UNI Europa, as the project leader, will provide further guidance if needed. Please download the full call for tender here (also below).

Interested parties must submit their tender as soon as possible, but no later than November 22, to Amel Selma Djemail, UNI Europa Equal Opportunities Director (UNI Europa, Rue Joseph II 40, B-1000 Brussels) in a sealed envelope as well as per email to

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