Commerce Rising conference – Amsterdam

UNI Europa Commerce’s 6th Conference will take place in Amsterdam on 14-15 November 2023.

It will bring together Commerce affiliates from all over Europe to discuss and adopt a new action plan to address changes in the sector and to grow union power in all segments. 

This is a statutory conference and is the highest decision-making body in UNI Europa Commerce. Delegates will determine the overall objectives, priorities and strategies for the sector as well as elect a President and Vice-Presidents and select the UNI Europa Commerce Steering Committee.


This is an in-person only meeting. 

Click here to register. 


In line with the guidelines for UNI Europa Commerce, the Conference shall elect a President and seven Vice-Presidents for a four-year term in office starting from the close of the Conference in Amsterdam. According to the guidelines, UNI Europa endorses the principle of prior notification of nominations for elections, and therefore ask affiliates to send their nominations to us at least two weeks prior to the Conference in Amsterdam, i.e. before 16 October 2023.


Interpretation will be available to and from English, Italian, French, German, Spanish and Swedish.


All the documents are available here.


Zuiderkerkhof 72
1011 WB Amsterdam


Please book your hotels by the link to the Conference hotel booking website: Hotel booking

For any questions regarding your hotel accommodation or group requests, please reach out to


For further infomation contact Annika Flaten or Ilaria Costantini

The conference will focus on the following 5 themes:

  1. A sector in transition – Resources

  2. Social Europe – Resources

  3. Growing Union Power and Influence – Resources

  4. Amazon – Resources

  5. Health and Safety – Resources