Projects “Level-up: support and develop multi-employer collective bargaining coverage” (1010487)


The Level-Up project is in direct response to one of the main outcomes of the UNI Europa Regional Conference (April 2021) which put forward a focus on developing collective bargaining, and the need to exchange on best-practices to develop and sustain sectoral collective bargaining in Europe (Motion 1B).

It also relates to ongoing discussions at the EU policy level on putting benchmarks regarding optimal collective bargaining coverage rates, and requiring Member States to develop national action plans to promote collective bargaining.

Objectives and approach

In this context, UNI Europa successfully applied for a two-year EU project aiming to (1) promote discussion on multi-employer collective bargaining, (2) exchange practices on how to keep it relevant (3) promote it where it is inexistent.

These three objectives will be met by applying different approaches:

Developing arguments for multi-employer bargaining: the project will draw on an analysis of the existing academic and grey literature and develop multi-lingual and accessible dissemination material.

Exchanging on trade union practices on how to sustain and develop multi-employer bargaining: several workshops will be organised in cooperation with the Finance and Commerce sectors.

Developing ideas for policy on how to strengthen collective bargaining: collective bargaining experts will contribute specific ideas and an expert-workshop will be organised.

Findings will be disseminated through different media including multi-lingual easily-accessible and engaging leaflets, videos and two reports.

Timetable and team

The project runs for 24 months and started in august 2022.

The project is coordinated by Stan De Spiegelaere (UNI Europa Policy and Research Director) and Smahan Jabiri-Egan (Communications Coordinator), in cooperation with the Commerce and Finance sectors, and the Organising Director.

This is an EU funded project. 
